Last two weekends, I watched two of the latest Bollywood movies, as expected from a movie freak that I am. One movie is "Tees Mar Khan" (TMK), a fantastic promotion but not so good show in the theatre. Second is "No One killed Jessica", expected to do decent show in the theatres.
TMK is almost a flop, but do not worry, I am not going to write about whys and what-if's. However, I want to highlight in TMK is the role of "thief", named Tees Mar Khan, as a brilliant concept in field of creativity. Tees Mar Khan, played by Akshay Kumar, is a world renowned thief and fraudster, a half Robin Hood who thieves money from rich but does not return back to poor. He can open any lock in the world.
Two of the inspiring lessons from the movie are:
1. Open the mental lock. TMK can open any lock.
2. Lead by Inspiration. TMK inspired Akshay Kanna at every moment.
3. Get ready to change your plan, depending upon situations
Roger Von Oech, a creativity guru, suggests the concept of a 'stupid/fool' in creativity. A fool reverse all the assumptions and suggest foolish suggestions/ideas to give totally different alternative to the main thinker. No wonder, this idea is not new and you might have seen that in movies and serials, a detective hero is always accompanied by a foolish character.
I believe that TMK can be used as another creative character who can inspire and open your mental locks. If you ever feel, you are arrested by police of same mundane routine, you should act like TMK.
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